Zeynep Firat
Yeditepe University Hospital, TurkeyPresentation Title:
Unveiling the brain's mysteries with diffusion tensor imaging
Despite all technological developments, understanding the structure and functionality of the brain still poses difficulties. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), one of the Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) methods, provides unique insights into the microstructural organization of white matter, allowing us to better understand the complex architecture of the brain. This technique maps the orientation and integrity of white matter tracts non-invasively by utilizing the diffusion properties of water molecules. Thus, it enables important breakthroughs in neuroscience in elucidating the pathophysiology of neurological and psychiatric disorders, monitoring neurodevelopmental changes, and understanding brain plasticity. Our aim in this study was to evaluate changes in both pathological and non-pathological tissues using DTI and their clinical correlations. We discussed the role of DTI in preoperative planning as well as its clinical utility in neurodegenerative diseases such as epilepsy, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic brain injuries. Although anatomical variations, motion artifacts and image resolution create limitations, the diversity of algorithms used for analysis today offers both limitations and opportunities for more effective and feasible application. This study provides a better structural and functional understanding of the brain, highlighting the major clinical applications and correlates of DTI and its important role in understanding changes in normal and abnormal tissues.
Zeynep Firat has completed her MSc in Computer Science and PhD in Neuroscience at Yeditepe University, Turkey. She works as a Radiology Research Specialist, primarily focusing on neuroimaging. Additionally, she also teaches Neuroimaging in the Neuroscience PhD program.