Nina S Mishchanchuk

National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Presentation Title:

Effectiveness of hirudotherapy and rehabilitation measures in patients suffering from dyscirculatory encephalopathy with vestibular dysfunction after chornobyl nuclear power plant accident


The purpose of the present work is to study the changes in vestibular pathological reactions in persons who were involved in liquidation of Chornobyl nuclear power plant accident and suffer from discirculatory encephalopathy in dynamics after the disaster. Vestibular dysfunction occurs before the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy. We have determined the specific features of disorders of vestibular-vegetative reactions. They are manifested by cardiovascular disorders and syncopal states. We didn’t find any pathologies of the digestive organs in patients. The effectiveness of hirudotherapy consists in the regulation of the physiological processes of excitation and inhibition, in contrast to drug therapy, because some drugs have a stimulating effect and others a sedative one. In addition, hirudotherapy in combination with rehabilitation measures in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy and vestibular dysfunction is effective for maintaining vitality and prolonging life. The renaissance of hirudotherapy and the further study of its possibilities at the modern level is promising for further development of medicine in present and in future.


Doctor of medical sciences since 2009. Works at the Department of Ear Microsurgery and Neurosurgery of State Institution “O.S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology”, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv. Examines the state of cerebral blood circulation, the functional state of the brain, auditory, vestibular, and facial functions in normal conditions and in pathologies of various genesis. Uses all traditional and modern research methods. Author and co-author of articles, collective monographs published in Ukraine and other countries (Japan and Great Britain).