Mariannina Amato

CSM (centre of mental health) of Catanzaro, Italy

Title: Image and music factors of cognitive and social influence. Mother project experimental study


Image and music are sensorineural stimuli endowed with aesthetic-artistic elements and with a representative power of the social and cultural context in which man lives. They are universally communicative stimuli that facilitate the immediate cognitive process with the organization, interpretation and attribution of meaning.

The experimental study conducted on subjects of different ages proposes, in a first phase, the vision of images only or in sequences, in the following phase, the same images associated with soundtracks of different musical styles.

It was found that the image, alone or in sequence, offers the possibility of activating the elaboration and synthesis process of the story according to an emotional clarity and an internal narrative coherence in the entire Uniter group and half in the other groups. The emotional spectrum of the Uniter group expresses an experiential and compassionate experience.

A significant impact was observed in half of the group of university students and operators who, anchored in the first phase to the fragmented and unsynthesized perceptual data, in the second phase, implement a process of cognitive change and emotional flexibility, place themselves in emotional and empathic attunement by integrating the perceived elements, congruent and flexible, to the perceived experience.

The association of images and music acquires an added value to the story expressed in the simple image and for some younger or particularly analytical and systemic subjects it assumes a force of change in the acquisition of cognitive and empathetic flexibility, contextualizing the story and the emotional expression.


Amato Mariannina born in Nicastro on 08/02/1963, lives in Lamezia Terme where she works as a psychologist and ASPIC psychotherapist at the NPIA and for some years at the CSM of the ASP-CZ.
EMDR Practitioner. He invents the 3D Therapy® methodology, an inventive instrumental application of the 3D printer for psychotherapeutic purposes.

Participates in national and European EMDR congresses, publishes in various scientific journals and various essays on the well-being of women and mothers and children: “Come vincere la depressione durante e dopo la gravidanza”(2007), “Legame materno” (2008), “Ti aiuto a crescere: le tappe della personalità tra femminilità e virilità(2014) con la casa editrice Sovera di Roma; cap “Legame tra la madre e il prenato” (2010) e “La transitività materna” (2011) con la casa editrice IF PRESS di Roma; “La Qualità nell’Azienda Sanitaria”(2015) con la casa editrice Rubbettino di Soveria Mannelli; “3D Therapy® la materializzazione dell’emozione”(2019) con la casa editrice Grafichéditore di Lamezia Terme