Mariannina Amato
CSM (centre of mental health) of Catanzaro, ItalyPresentation Title:
The reflective process of the 3D object in the 3D Therapy®, mentalization and mental flexibility
The therapeutic path of 3D Therapy® is applied in 12 subjects of different ages and psychopathological problems, in the initial phase it is expected to evoke negative emotion with the solicitation of chromatic and verbal stimuli. The negative emotion evoked and actualized is transposed into graphic form and subsequently transformed into a 3D object, presented immediately afterwards to the subject on a luminous plane. The 3D object becomes an active element in the therapeutic setting, materializes and "reflects" the dysfunctional emotion evoked by the subject
Already in the first phases of observation, a dynamic process with a strong emotional-cognitive impact is activated in the subjects, visible through the eye movements of search and fixation. The subjects explore the 3D object by synergistically coordinating the visual search with their manual skills on the 3D object. The subjects demonstrate an active exploratory process that leads to inner listening and emotional self-regulation, to the awareness of the perceptual-emotional-cognitive elements reflected by the 3D object and to their comparison and mentalization, up to the transformation of the underlying negative cognition, and reaching the appropriate behavioral solution.
Amato Mariannina born in Nicastro on 08/02/1963, lives in Lamezia Terme where she works as a psychologist and ASPIC psychotherapist at the NPIA and for some years at the CSM of the ASP-CZ.
EMDR Practitioner. He invents the 3D Therapy® methodology, an inventive instrumental application of the 3D printer for psychotherapeutic purposes.
Participates in national and European EMDR congresses, publishes in various scientific journals and various essays on the well-being of women and mothers and children: “Come vincere la depressione durante e dopo la gravidanza”(2007), “Legame materno” (2008), “Ti aiuto a crescere: le tappe della personalità tra femminilità e virilità(2014) con la casa editrice Sovera di Roma; cap “Legame tra la madre e il prenato” (2010) e “La transitività materna” (2011) con la casa editrice IF PRESS di Roma; “La Qualità nell’Azienda Sanitaria”(2015) con la casa editrice Rubbettino di Soveria Mannelli; “3D Therapy® la materializzazione dell’emozione”(2019) con la casa editrice Grafichéditore di Lamezia Terme; in fase di pubblicazione “I processi neuropsicologici della percezione visiva applicati al trattamento della 3D Therapy®