Dina Veksler

Practitioner, Albania

Presentation Title:

Psychiatric disease as a life sentence


Having worked in psychiatry for many years, the focus has consistently been on managing clients' conditions with medication, supplemented by psychological support. The notion of full recovery from mental illness was not ever considered. Personally, I experienced depression during my youth and was admitted to a clinic where I was treated to the point of mania. This initiated a long struggle with bipolar disorder that lasted for many years.
Everything changed when I met a professional who introduced me to a psychological approach to addressing bipolar disorder. Together, we applied Carl Jung’s principles to achieve a stable mental state. After experiencing the benefits firsthand, I became eager to share this method with others who might also benefit. However, I faced resistance from professionals who were firmly committed to medication and dismissed the possibility of genuine recovery.
Perhaps it is time to reconsider our approach to mental illness and explore alternative paths that prioritize true recovery, rather than merely sustaining the illness with ongoing treatment.


Dina Veksler completed her Master degree in industrial engineering in USSR and Associate degree in early childhood education in USA. Developed the TPB system as a therapeutic photography approach to work with children with autism and other deviations. She has publications in academical journals in Russia and USA. 

To know more about Dr. Dina Veksler, please visit: http://autismtpb.tilda.ws/