Oleg Avilov

South Urals State Medical University, Russian Federation


Oleg Avilov finished Chelyabinsk State Medical Institute and then Post- Graduate Courses at the Department of Normal Physiology. Then he worked for some years as Director the General of Medical Insurance Company, as the Head of Department of Social Physiology and Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology in Chelyabinsk State University.  For 3 years he had been working as a Psychologist at the Department of Human Resources in “Lafarge Cement” (Russia).  Nowadays he is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Public Health and Healthcare in South Urals State Medical University, correspondent member of Russian Academy of Natural History (RANH), member of editorial board of journals “Psychophysiology News” and “Healthcare, Education and Safety, author of more than 200 scientific works”. Oleg Avilov concerned with a problem of evaluating and predicting of humans behavior in various situations on the base of the theory of functional equivalence he is developing. Emotional stress and its consequences, Psychotherapy on the whole, work motivation and meaning of life formation are of his special interest.

Research Interest

Emotional stress and its consequences, Psychotherapy on the whole, work motivation and meaning of life formation are of his special interest.